Fames Institute

Meet our Mentor – Karen Ní Bhroin

‘If you don’t know what the FAME’s Institute is, you should be applying! I wish I had had this when I was in my late teens, early 20s. I think it’s a route I would’ve taken as a musician to perform in all different aspects of it.’ explained Karen Ní Bhroin, one of our mentors who led the Recording Master Class.

Karen is an accomplished young conductor from Ireland, gathering attention on both sides of the Atlantic. In the current season, she is set to make her debut with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London and the BBC Philharmonic.

Karen is dedicated to changing conducting education by teaching things that are not traditionally covered.

After a successful year in 2023 at FAME’s Institute, with the active participation of over 250 students in Seminars over the last 2 years, we are excited to announce that in the 2024 Program, you will once more have the chance to learn from distinguished conductors, composers, producers, and work with talented young musicians from all over Europe!

Take the opportunity to work with our mentors through the unique Seminars offered at the FAME’S Institute. Send your Early Bird application by the 15th of December and have the opportunity to select the Master Classes you wish to attend.

Co-funded by the European Union, Creative Europe.